Marriage Contract of Rene' Ouellet and Anne Rivet, March 8th, 1666 |
Marriage Record of Theophista~Marie Fradet and James Albert Thayer ~November 5th, 1917 at Saint Mary's Catholic Church, Lewiston, Maine~ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Record of Birth for Theophista~Marie Fradet (Fredette), Lewiston Maine~ April 12th, 1892 |
Marriage Record for Omer Joseph Ouellette and Honorine Hedwidge Fradet (Fradette) from Saint Mary's Catholic Church in Lewiston, Maine on August 2nd, 1915~ Including baptizmal dates |
Honorine Hedwidge Fradet and Omer Joseph Ouellette's Marriage Announcement |
Death Record of Eugene P. Fradet (Fredette) Saint~Mary's Catholic Church | . |
Death Record of Theophista (Theophise) Marie Fradet (Fredette) ~ Holy Family
Death Record of Honorine Hedwidge Fradet (Fredette) ~ Saintes Peter and Paul
All three churches are located in Lewiston, Maine
Death Record Of Omer Joseph Ouellette ~ November 22, 1950~Sainte Peter and Paul Catholic Church, and Infant Paul Eugene Ouellette ~ May 6th, 1924~ Holy Family Catholic Church in Lewiston, Maine. |
Prayer Card for Georgiana Pare' Fradet (Fredette) ~ December 26th, 1936 |
Ordination Prayer Card and Premiere Mass for Wilfrid Ouellette~1919~The Ordination takes place on february 15th and the Premiere Mass on the 16th. |
Premiere Messe (Mass) For Origene Bouchard |
Premiere Messe (Mass) Invitation in Portland, Maine for Wilfrid Ouellette |